Adult Ballet Class; Beginner Technique

FOR ALL ADULT AGES! It’s never too late to Learn basic dance technique to help keep you moving. Improve balance, flexibility, endurance and strength with basic ballet technique. Instructor Helen Herbst has taught worshipers how to move safely for over 30 years.

$20.00 per class

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Mar 17 2025


10:00 am - 11:00 am




The Barn
26 Youngs Ave, Calverton NY 11933


Helen Herbst
Helen Herbst
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  1. Claudette

    Good Day Helen,

    Its’s Claudette, I don’t know if you remember me, but I used to attend your dance classes. I was searching online for the Dayspring Dance Ministry and my search ultimately lead me to this site. I am interested in taking adult worship ballet class beginners technique. I was so excited to attend but when I checked the calendar for the dates I noticed they were both on a Monday morning. I am at work during those hours. I was wondering if you also have classes on Saturday mornings? I look forward to speaking to you soon. Sincerely, Claudette

    • Helen Herbst

      Hello Claudette,
      Thank you for reaching out. I’m so glad you found us! I just saw this comment today! I am learning how to keep this calendar updated. I missed your comment, didnt realize people could leave comments! I will start teaching beginner ballet on Saturday mornings again in Septemebr. It will be a 60 min. class, $20 per class. Still working out details on the best start time, but it will be in the vacinity of 9:30am – 10:30am. Blessings 🙂


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